
Framework built with css variables and open source code. Focusing on popular browser C.F.O.E.S

Download $ npm i nel-quantum


Create your web with css variables and open code sources. Now you don't have to worry about IE browser, because _nel it has blocked it. Besides, css variables are also not supported. C.F.O.E.S is an abbreviation of five popular browsers that are supported _nel.

Starter Template

Below is the default code for building. After the code will be painted several elements, you understand it.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="zxx">

<!-- head -->
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <meta name="description" content="description">
    <meta name="author" content="author">
    <!-- title -->
    <!-- Favicon -->
    <link rel="icon" href="img/nel.png" type="image/x-icon">
    <!-- _nel.css-->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/nel.min.css">
    <!-- cdn jQuery -->
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!-- end head -->

<!-- body -->

    <!-- Alert Dont Support IE -->
    <div id="_IE-Alert"></div>
    <!-- End Alert Dont Support IE -->

    <!-- Load -->
    <div class="_load" id="_load">
        <div class="_load-middle">
            <div class="_load-circle"></div>
    <!-- End Load -->

    <!-- your code -->

    <!-- end your code -->

    <!-- _nel.js -->
    <script src="js/nel.min.js"></script>



Recommended using a cdn starter template

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="zxx">

<!-- head -->
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <meta name="description" content="description">
    <meta name="author" content="author">
    <!-- title -->
    <!-- Favicon -->
    <link rel="icon" href="img/nel.png" type="image/x-icon">
    <!-- cdn _nel.min.css-->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/nel-quantum@1.0.1/css/nel.min.css">
    <!-- cdn jQuery -->
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!-- end head -->

<!-- body -->

    <!-- Alert Dont Support IE -->
    <div id="_IE-Alert"></div>
    <!-- End Alert Dont Support IE -->

    <!-- Load -->
    <div class="_load" id="_load">
        <div class="_load-middle">
            <div class="_load-circle"></div>
    <!-- End Load -->

    <!-- your code -->

    <!-- end your code -->

    <!-- cdn _nel.min.js -->
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/nel-quantum@1.0.1/js/nel.min.js"></script>



It is highly recommended to use CDN SRI

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="zxx">

<!-- head -->
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <meta name="description" content="description">
    <meta name="author" content="author">
    <!-- title -->
    <!-- Favicon -->
    <link rel="icon" href="img/nel.png" type="image/x-icon">
    <!-- cdn _nel.min.css SRI-->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/nel-quantum@1.0.1/css/nel.min.css" integrity="sha256-wTzcimECnnrQzzMJjA6AUe5CJgsxsBW8pEK47B1Kqt4=" crossorigin="anonymous">
    <!-- cdn jQuery -->
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!-- end head -->

<!-- body -->

    <!-- Alert Dont Support IE -->
    <div id="_IE-Alert"></div>
    <!-- End Alert Dont Support IE -->

    <!-- Load -->
    <div class="_load" id="_load">
        <div class="_load-middle">
            <div class="_load-circle"></div>
    <!-- End Load -->

    <!-- your code -->

    <!-- end your code -->

    <!-- cdn _nel.min.js SRI -->
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/nel-quantum@1.0.1/js/nel.min.js" integrity="sha256-eLzyFt8p21vpld3JNJESRPlRht+q/E1J0QUUhP2fq4c=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>



Below are some explanations for the basic knowledge of using the framework. If you see there is a sign (_) at the beginning of each class or file, it is intentionally made to distinguish between classes and _nel framework files with vendor classes and files. _nel using css variable, so it doesn't use SASS, and that's also the reason why framework _nel doesn't support IE Browser.

IE Alert

The code below is used to raise a warning when a user uses IE Browser. If you don't believe open it in IE and you will see a black page with the words "Not Supported IE".

<!-- Alert Dont Support IE -->
<div id="_IE-Alert"></div>
<!-- End Alert Dont Support IE -->    

The code below is used to bring up the circle animation when the page is loaded. So a new page will be visible when all elements are successfully loaded.

<!-- Load -->
<div class="_load" id="_load">
    <div class="_load-middle">
        <div class="_load-circle"></div>
<!-- End Load -->    


_nel is built using css variables and open source code, so there is a class _nel and vendor mixed, but don't worry because nel has a uniq code _ to overcome the overriding class. _nel also creates a function for javascript code, so each code is always wrapped with functions.

Browsers & Devices

_nel supports the latest browsers, and doesn't support older browsers especially IE. The reason is because _nel uses the function css and flexbox variables in the grid section

Mobile devices
Android Supported
iOS Supported
Windows 10 Mobile Supported
Desktop Browsers
Chrome Supported
Firefox Supported
Microsoft Edge Supported
Opera Supported
Safari Supported
IE 11- Not Supported


_nel recommends the use of vendors for better support. Because the tunnel is created with an open source code that is dominantly licensed by MIT. So use the vendor for your needs. And don't worry the class will be overwritten, because nel already has a unique code to deal with it


_nel does not use SASS because it already uses the variable css function. And that will also make it easier for you without setting Ruby or something.


The _nel variable is placed on :root. This functions globally and you can call variables even though they are different files. Below this is part of the variable code from the _nel, a deliberate variable naming similar to make it easier to remember.

/*global variable*/


  --fixed    : fixed;
  --absolute : absolute;
  --relative : relative;
  --static   : static;
  --sticky   : sticky;

  /*vw & vh*/
  --100vw  : 100vw;
  --100vh  : 100vh;

/*end global variable*/


To be honest, the author used to dislike typography, but after years of developing the web, this is very important. If you don't believe, wait to realize it.


H1. _nel Heading


H2. _nel Heading


H3. _nel Heading


H4. _nel Heading

H1. _nel Heading
H1. _nel Heading
<h1>h1. _nel Heading</h1>
<h2>h2. _nel Heading</h2>
<h3>h3. _nel Heading</h3>
<h4>h4. _nel Heading</h4>
<h5>h5. _nel Heading</h5>
<h6>h6. _nel Heading</h6>

Make a small font size 80% with color #999

_nel Linquini

<h3>_nel <small>Linquini</small></h3>

Paragraphs are made margin and padding 0 so that there is no distance, and given word-wrap : break-word; so that the paragraph is always responsive to the browser.

Marked text

If you want to create a background color on the text, you use it tag mark

Deleted text

I fell love from the stairs

S strong E em I ins

SEI is an abbreviation of strongemins Bold Italic Underline


_nel Framework

<p class="_left-align">_nel Framework</p>

_nel Framework

<p class="_right-align">_nel Framework</p>

_nel Framework

<p class="_center-align">_nel Framework</p>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Iure, doloremque accusamus cumque laudantium odio quasi, similique corporis! Molestiae quas nulla numquam tenetur maxime odit laboriosam vitae dignissimos dolorem aut, eos. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Perspiciatis mollitia esse vitae nesciunt ratione reprehenderit blanditiis. Modi, eos assumenda? Debitis sit rem commodi numquam aspernatur dignissimos architecto doloribus perspiciatis qui.

<p class="_justify-align">_nel Framework</p>
Position Absolute

This position has absolute properties, so you can make a relative container to use this position. In addition, you can also use a fixed position or the position itself (absolute) for use. For example the letters below are made with relative and high positions 300px

Top left
Top right
Bottom Left
Bottom Right
Bottom Middle
Top Middle
Left Middle
Right Middle

Change text transformation with class.




<p class="_lowercase">lowercase</p>
<p class="_uppercase">uppercase</p>
<p class="_capitalize">capitalize</p>
Drop Caps

m lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Nihil odit libero aspernatur quibusdam quam inventore totam fugiat commodi. Temporibus ut corrupti sint maiores excepturi aliquid omnis consectetur voluptates cumque laborum?. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Inventore dolorem suscipit illo voluptates dolore quos, quisquam natus quidem soluta temporibus eveniet animi ullam odio ut dolorum. Blanditiis amet animi, natus.

<p class="_drop-caps">Drop Caps</p>
Hover Text

Its function is to bring up words of understanding embedded when hovered abbr

<p class="_drop-caps">Drop Caps</p>
Dusun Rambe, Melati II, Perbaungan 20986
Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara, ID
Phone : (+62) 23-xxxx-xxxx
Full Name
    Dusun Rambe, Melati II, Perbaungan 20986<br>
    Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara, ID<br>
    Phone : (+62) 23-xxxx-xxxx

    <strong>Full Name</strong><br>
    <a href="mailto:#">first.last@example.com</a>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Possimus odio iusto ex eius praesentium placeat quas, consequuntur reprehenderit harum fugiat dolor explicabo voluptas qui quaerat recusandae, molestias. Tenetur veniam, porro?

-Name Quote
    <cite> -Name Quote</cite>


  • _nel 1
  • _nel 2
    • _nel sub 2.1
    • _nel sub 2.2
      • _nel sub 2.2.1
      • _nel sub 2.2.2
      • _nel sub 2.2.3
    • _nel sub 2.3
  • _nel 3
<ul class="_list">
    <li>_nel 1</li>
    <li>_nel 2
            <li>_nel sub 2.1</li>
            <li>_nel sub 2.2
                    <li>_nel sub 2.2.1</li>
                    <li>_nel sub 2.2.2</li>
                    <li>_nel sub 2.2.3</li>
            <li>_nel sub 2.3</li>
    <li>_nel 3</li>

List Circle

  • _nel 1
  • _nel 2
    • _nel sub 2.1
    • _nel sub 2.2
      • _nel sub 2.2.1
      • _nel sub 2.2.2
      • _nel sub 2.2.3
    • _nel sub 2.3
  • _nel 3
<ul class="_list-circle">
    <li>_nel 1</li>
    <li>_nel 2
            <li>_nel sub 2.1</li>
            <li>_nel sub 2.2
                    <li>_nel sub 2.2.1</li>
                    <li>_nel sub 2.2.2</li>
                    <li>_nel sub 2.2.3</li>
            <li>_nel sub 2.3</li>
    <li>_nel 3</li>

List Square

  • _nel 1
  • _nel 2
    • _nel sub 2.1
    • _nel sub 2.2
      • _nel sub 2.2.1
      • _nel sub 2.2.2
      • _nel sub 2.2.3
    • _nel sub 2.3
  • _nel 3
<ul class="_list-square">
    <li>_nel 1</li>
    <li>_nel 2
            <li>_nel sub 2.1</li>
            <li>_nel sub 2.2
                    <li>_nel sub 2.2.1</li>
                    <li>_nel sub 2.2.2</li>
                    <li>_nel sub 2.2.3</li>
            <li>_nel sub 2.3</li>
    <li>_nel 3</li>

List Upper Roman

  • _nel 1
  • _nel 2
    • _nel sub 2.1
    • _nel sub 2.2
      • _nel sub 2.2.1
      • _nel sub 2.2.2
      • _nel sub 2.2.3
    • _nel sub 2.3
  • _nel 3
<ul class="_list-upper-roman">
    <li>_nel 1</li>
    <li>_nel 2
            <li>_nel sub 2.1</li>
            <li>_nel sub 2.2
                    <li>_nel sub 2.2.1</li>
                    <li>_nel sub 2.2.2</li>
                    <li>_nel sub 2.2.3</li>
            <li>_nel sub 2.3</li>
    <li>_nel 3</li>

List Lower Alpha

  • _nel 1
  • _nel 2
    • _nel sub 2.1
    • _nel sub 2.2
      • _nel sub 2.2.1
      • _nel sub 2.2.2
      • _nel sub 2.2.3
    • _nel sub 2.3
  • _nel 3
<ul class="_list-lower-alpha">
    <li>_nel 1</li>
    <li>_nel 2
            <li>_nel sub 2.1</li>
            <li>_nel sub 2.2
                    <li>_nel sub 2.2.1</li>
                    <li>_nel sub 2.2.2</li>
                    <li>_nel sub 2.2.3</li>
            <li>_nel sub 2.3</li>
    <li>_nel 3</li>

List Number

  1. _nel 1
  2. _nel 2
    1. _nel sub 2.1
    2. _nel sub 2.2
      1. _nel sub 2.2.1
      2. _nel sub 2.2.2
      3. _nel sub 2.2.3
    3. _nel sub 2.3
  3. _nel 3
<ul class="_list-number">
    <li>_nel 1</li>
    <li>_nel 2
            <li>_nel sub 2.1</li>
            <li>_nel sub 2.2
                    <li>_nel sub 2.2.1</li>
                    <li>_nel sub 2.2.2</li>
                    <li>_nel sub 2.2.3</li>
            <li>_nel sub 2.3</li>
    <li>_nel 3</li>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Rem a, fugiat placeat maiores reprehenderit voluptate at quaerat, alias explicabo sit eos minus dolore iste modi? Corporis iusto accusamus dicta, maxime?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Rem a, fugiat placeat maiores reprehenderit
<dl class="_dl-side">


Make a code with the tag pre and code. Besides that you can also use xmp tags, but this is not recommended. To make the code untranslated, use it class="notranslate".

    height: var(--100vh);

<pre class="notranslate">
    height: var(--100vh);


Create responsive images using only img tags. Below are the styles used by the img tag.

img {
  display   : var(--block);
  max-width : var(--100pc);
  margin    : var(--auto);
200px x 200px
<img src="folder/sub-folder" alt="images">


Creating an image has a description.

200px x 200px
Figure Caption
    <img src="folder/sub-folder" alt="images">
    <figcaption>Figure Caption</figcaption>


Make tables responsive and more elegant.

No HTML CSS Javascript
1 Haml LESS Babel
2 Pug SCSS TypeScript
<div class="_table-scroll">


Styles that are only made simple. If you don't believe, see for yourself.

<form action="form.php">
    <label for="text">Type Text</label>
    <input id="text" type="text" name="text" placeholder="Text">
    <label for="password">Type Password</label>
    <input id="password" type="password" name="password" placeholder="Password" required>

    <label for="email">Type Email</label>
    <input id="email" type="email" name="email" placeholder="Email" required>

    <label for="search">Type Search</label>
    <input id="search" type="search" name="search" placeholder="Search">

    <label for="url">Type URL</label>
    <input id="url" type="url" name="url" placeholder="URL">

    <label for="number">Type Number</label>
    <input id="number" type="number" name="number" min="1" max="30" value="30">

    <label for="range">Type Range</label>
    <input id="range" type="range" name="range" min="1" max="100">

    <label for="file">Type File</label>
    <input id="file" type="file" name="file">

    <label for="submit">Type Submit</label>
    <input id="submit" type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">

    <label for="button">Type Button</label>
    <input id="button" type="button" name="button" value="Button"> 
    <label for="reset">Type Reset</label>
    <input id="reset" type="reset" name="reset">

    <label for="radio">Type Radio</label>
    <input id="radio" type="radio" name="radio">

    <label for="checkbox">Type checkbox</label>
    <input id="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="checkbox">      


Make simple buttons with class ._btn

Button Button Button Button Button
<span class="_btn-default">Button</span>
<span class="_btn _nel-bg-red">Button</span>
<span class="_btn _nel-bg-yellow">Button</span>
<span class="_btn _nel-bg-green">Button</span>
<span class="_btn _nel-bg-blue">Button</span>

Helper Class

Make colored warning boxes and important note boxes with the helper class. The soft colors of the rainbow are beautiful. Red, Yellow, Green, Blue.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Mollitia reiciendis vero necessitatibus, dolorum sint libero consequatur iste sapiente quam similique, excepturi provident deserunt, eveniet velit quae facilis, veritatis aut. Unde?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Mollitia reiciendis vero necessitatibus, dolorum sint libero consequatur iste sapiente quam similique, excepturi provident deserunt, eveniet velit quae facilis, veritatis aut. Unde?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Mollitia reiciendis vero necessitatibus, dolorum sint libero consequatur iste sapiente quam similique, excepturi provident deserunt, eveniet velit quae facilis, veritatis aut. Unde?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Mollitia reiciendis vero necessitatibus, dolorum sint libero consequatur iste sapiente quam similique, excepturi provident deserunt, eveniet velit quae facilis, veritatis aut. Unde?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Mollitia reiciendis vero necessitatibus, dolorum sint libero consequatur iste sapiente quam similique, excepturi provident deserunt, eveniet velit quae facilis, veritatis aut. Unde?

<p class="_warning-default">...</p>
<p class="_warning-red">...</p>
<p class="_warning-yellow">...</p>
<p class="_warning-green">...</p>
<p class="_warning-blue">...</p>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.

<p class="_helper-red">...</p>
<p class="_helper-yellow">...</p>
<p class="_helper-green">...</p>
<p class="_helper-blue">...</p>


Make the position static, relative, absolute, fixed and sticky with class.

Class Value
_static static
_relative relative
_absolute absolute
_fixed fixed top: 0 left: 0 right: 0 z-index: 9998
_sticky sticky top : 0 z-index: 9998
<div class="_static">

<div class="_relative">

<div class="_absolute">

<div class="_fixed">

<div class="_sticky">



Beautiful badge to make small round notifications.

New 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
<span class="_badge-text _nel-bg-blue">New</span>
<span class="_badge">1.0</span>
<span class="_badge _nel-bg-red">2.0</span>
<span class="_badge _nel-bg-yellow">3.0</span>
<span class="_badge _nel-bg-green">4.0</span>
<span class="_badge _nel-bg-blue">5.0</span>


Make a horizontal arrow navigation.

library bin mysql
<div class="_breadcrumb">


Make articles from titles, when they are published, comments, readmore, etc.


Written by andikachamberlin 01 Januari 2018 Category

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Aliquid expedita ratione maxime mollitia aperiam vel error ex libero delectus neque nemo ab quia illum sed minus in unde, voluptatem eaque? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quam, ipsam ex optio fugit assumenda accusamus labore exercitationem a blanditiis, repudiandae veritatis unde dolorum amet magni eum. Totam modi, accusamus doloremque.

Readmore Comments 10
<div class="_article">
    <h3 class="_article-heading">Heading</h3>
    <div class="_article-publish">
        <span>Written by</span>
        <span><a href="#">andikachamberlin</a></span>
        <span>01 Januari 2018</span>
        <span><a href="#">Category</a></span>

    <p class="_article-content">
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Aliquid expedita ratione maxime mollitia aperiam vel error ex libero delectus neque nemo ab quia illum sed minus in unde, voluptatem eaque? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quam, ipsam ex optio fugit assumenda accusamus labore exercitationem a blanditiis, repudiandae veritatis unde dolorum amet magni eum. Totam modi, accusamus doloremque.

    <div class="_article-btn">
        <a href="#">Readmore</a>
        <a href="#">Comments <span class="_badge">10</span></a>


Make navigation move pages.

<ul class="_pagination">
    <li><a href="#"></a>Previous</li>
    <li><a href="#"></a>1</li>
    <li><a href="#"></a>2</li>
    <li><a href="#"></a>3</li>
    <li><a href="#"></a>Next</li>

Media Query

Eliminating Elements on the condition of smartphones, tablets, desktops.

_hs @media (max-width: 600px) Removes elements in smartphone conditions
_hm @media (max-width:992px) and (min-width:601px) Removes elements on tablet conditions
_hl @media (min-width:993px) Removes elements in desktop conditions

You are currently in a desktop condition. This element is removed in the condition of smartphones and tablets

<div class="_hs _hm">...</div>

You are currently in a tablet condition. This element is removed in the condition of smartphones and desktops

<div class="_hs _hl">...</div>

You are currently in a smartphone condition. This element is removed on tablet and desktop conditions

<div class="_hm _hl">...</div>


Make a line with the border. Up, Right, Down, Left.

Border Default Border Top Border Right Border Bottom Border Left
<span class="_border">
    Border Default

<span class="_border-t">
    Border Top

<span class="_border-r">
    Border Right

<span class="_border-b">
    Border Bottom

<span class="_border-l">
    Border Left

<div class="_border _circle">


Make a display with class.

_block _inline-block _inline
<div class="_block">...</div>
<div class="_inline-block">...</div>
<div class="_inline">...</div>

Width & Height

Make width and height with class. Width with% while height with px.

_width-10pc 10%
_width-20pc 20%
_width-30pc 30%
_width-40pc 40%
_width-50pc 50%
_width-60pc 60%
_width-70pc 70%
_width-80pc 80%
_width-90pc 90%
_width-100pc 100%
._width-d 400px
._width-s 200px
._width-m 600px
._width-l 800px
._width-g 1000px
._height-d 400px
._height-s 200px
._height-m 600px
._height-l 800px
._height-g 1000px

_nel Color

Four smooth colors _nel.

_nel Red _nel Yellow _nel Green _nel Blue
<div class="_nel-bg-red">...</div>
<div class="_nel-bg-yellow">...</div>
<div class="_nel-bg-green">...</div>
<div class="_nel-bg-blue">...</div>

<div class="_nel-red">...</div>
<div class="_nel-yellow">...</div>
<div class="_nel-green">...</div>
<div class="_nel-blue">...</div>


Class to push elements by margin. Can push (+) or (-).

Please note, the unique code behind the class has the meaning, (d) default, (t) top, (r) right, (b) bottom, (l) left. and mpush means minus push. Means minus size.
Size _push _mpush _push-t _push-r _push-b _push-r
1em _push-d _mpush-d _push-t-d _push-r-d _push-b-d _push-l-d
4px _push-s _mpush-s _push-t-s _push-r-s _push-b-s _push-l-s
8px _push-m _mpush-m _push-t-m _push-r-m _push-b-m _push-l-m
24px _push-l _mpush-l _push-t-l _push-r-l _push-b-l _push-l-l
32px _push-g _mpush-g _push-t-g _push-r-g _push-b-g _push-l-g
<div class="_push-t-d"></div>


Display external files with iframe, video, embed and object tags. To display youtube videos, it is recommended to use the embed tag. But for offline, you can use a tag other than the embed tag.

<div class="_embed _ratio-21by9">
    <embed class="_embed-item" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ID">

<div class="_embed _ratio-16by9">
    <embed class="_embed-item" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ID">

<div class="_embed _ratio-4by3">
    <embed class="_embed-item" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ID">

<div class="_embed _ratio-1by1">
    <embed class="_embed-item" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ID">


Make 12 columns with flex easily. It's time to say goodbye to float, so far he has accompanied us in making a column. Let's say thank you.

Responsive breakpoints

Below is a media query to overcome the appearance of columns in 3 main devices. If you look at the code below, the class without media is the class for smartphone mode, while min-width: 600px for tablets and then for desktop.

._flex._s12 {width: var(--flex12)}

@media only screen and (min-width:601px){
    ._flex._m12 {width: var(--flex12)}

@media only screen and (min-width:993px){
    ._flex._m12 {width: var(--flex12)}
12 Column
Size Desktop Tablet Smartphone
100% _l12 _m12 _s12
91.66666667% _l11 _m11 _s11
83.33333333% _l10 _m10 _s10
75% _l9 _m9 _s9
66.66666667% _l8 _m8 _s8
58.33333333% _l7 _m7 _s7
50% _l6 _m6 _s6
41.66666667% _l5 _m5 _s5
33.33333333% _l4 _m4 _s4
25% _l3 _m3 _s3
16.66666667% _l2 _m2 _s2
8.33333333% _l1 _m1 _s1
<div class="_row-flex">
    <div class="_flex _l3 _m6 _s12">
    <div class="_flex _l3 _m6 _s12">
    <div class="_flex _l3 _m6 _s12">
    <div class="_flex _l3 _m6 _s12">

To make an offset, you don't need to fill the content on the left side, and it's like a margin-left push on the column float. But on Flexbox, we don't need to create more classes, just empty it.

<div class="_row-flex">
    <div class="_flex _l6 _m6 _s6">
        No Content

    <div class="_flex _l6 _m6 _s6">
Class Grid

The grid class is the padding to make the column have a distance, see the example below.

Size Class Stuck Container (16px)
8px _grid _mpush-d
4px _grid-s _mpush-m
16px _grid-m _mpush-g
When the container is given a padding, it will automatically push all the elements including the column, so it will make the column pushed too. But if the container is not given a padding value, the column will run well. Below is an example if the container is rated padding.
<div class="_row-flex _grid">
    <div class="_flex _grid _l6 _m6 _s12">
    <div class="_flex _grid _l6 _m6 _s12">

To overcome this additional class _mpush-d

<div class="_row-flex _grid _mpush-d">
    <div class="_flex _grid _l6 _m6 _s12">
    <div class="_flex _grid _l6 _m6 _s12">


Keep the container in the middle when it passes through the browser supervisor. See the example below to understand.

Size Class
1024px layout-d
300px layout-t
600px layout-s
800px layout-m
1280px layout-l
1600px layout-g
<div class="_layout-d">



I'm Andika Chamberlin created a _nel framework with good intentions, which is to make it easier for other developers to create web display. I also want to thank all parties for the code that I use to be incorporated into the _nel framework. I am a Muslim, and only hope your prayers can enter the paradise of Amin.


Initially the _nel framework is a core framework that will be released in version 6.0, but for reasons of name: core is identical to the net framework belongs to microsoft, so the author changed its name to _nel. It seems that no one has this name, moreover _nel has a unique code _ so it's more certain that there is no same framework name. In the past I created a framework called core, in short during the development period, I always had difficulty overcoming new css properties that did not support the old browser. Examples of css variables that do not support IE and many other examples. Therefore, I finally risked not supporting all IE browser versions. And emphasizes the use of 5 popular browsers, chrome, firefox, edge, opera and safari. And created the gear. Framework created with variable css and open source code.

I honestly are not good at talking, I should just close it. But if you want to be friends, I am very grateful and want to say how are you? hope you're healthy always.